Mon - Fri : 9am - 7pm
Sat : 9am - 6pm
fr en
Check-in *
Check-out *
Destination / Résidence *
Courchevel 8 Residences
Les Gets 3 Residences
Val d'Isère 3 Residences
Méribel 1 Residence
Alaska Lodge Val d'Isère
Annapurna Les Gets
Aspen Lodge Courchevel
Canyon Lodge Courchevel
Falcon Méribel
K2 Les Gets
Keystone Lodge Courchevel
Kinabalu Les Gets
Le C Courchevel
Mammoth Lodge Courchevel
Manali Lodge Courchevel
Silverstone Val d'Isère
Vail Lodge Val d'Isère
Whistler Lodge Courchevel
Yellowstone Lodge Courchevel
Adult(s) *
Child (ren) *

Personal data

This personal data protection policy describes the types of personal data that are collected, and the purposes and period of collection.
ALPINE RESIDENCES undertakes that the collection and processing of your data from the website complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on data processing, data files and individual liberties. This policy may be amended, supplemented or updated, including without limitation so that it is made to comply with all legislative, regulatory, case law and technical developments. You must always refer to the latest version of the policy before you browse.
For any information on personal data protection, you may also consult the website of the Commission on Informatics and Liberty

1. Who collects the personal data (identity of the data controller)?

Your personal data are collected by ALPINE RESIDENCES, with registered office at 21 C Rue Andromède, 74650 Chavanod.

2. Use of personal data

The term "personal data" describes all information relating to a natural person who has been identified or who can be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to an identification number or to one or more elements that relate to him or her. When COURCHEVEL MANALI LODGE collects your personal data, it does so in a fair and transparent manner, providing information notices or references to this policy. Personal data are information about you that enables you to be identified, including your first name, last name, e-mail address, telephone number, postal address, username, account password or any other personal data of assistance to the purposes described below. Personal data are collected on our various forms (such as the initial contact form, booking form and newsletter). Each form limits the collection of personal data to what is strictly necessary (minimization of data), and identifies the following, inter alia:
• the objectives of the data collection (purposes);
• whether these data are necessary or optional in order to process your request;
• who may acquire knowledge of them (in principle, solely members of the Alpine Collection Group, except where stated in the form when transmission to a third party is required in order to pursue the purpose);
• your informatics and liberty rights, and how they can be exercised with Alpine Collection.

3. The purposes of processing personal data

ALPINE RESIDENCES undertakes only to process those personal data that are adequate, relevant and not excessive for the purposes for which they are collected, that is:
• to process your initial contact requests and requests for information;
• subject to your consent, to send you customized Alpine Collection offers (new real estate programmes, marketing promotions and offers, practical information, etc.);
• to carry out studies and research with the aim of improving our services.

4. Recipients and sub-processing of personal data

 In principle, ALPINE RESIDENCES is the sole recipient of the collected data. ALPINE RESIDENCES only sends your personal data to a third party if you have given your prior consent to this information being shared (for example, for a special promotional event).

5. Period of storage of personal data

ALPINE RESIDENCES processes and stores personal data in a secure environment for the period required to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. Your electronic identification data and cookies are stored for a period of 12 months from the date on which they are collected.
Purpose > Period of collection
Market development: responding to requests for information, sending brochures, sending emails to present Alpine Collection's products > 3 years from the date of the latest activity
Use of personal area > 5 years from the date of the latest activity

6. Terms and conditions for exercising your rights relating to your personal data for the purposes of regulation

You are informed that you have a right of access, portability, correction and deletion relating to the data that concern you. For all information, and in order to exercise your informatics and liberty rights relating to the processing of personal data managed by ALPINE RESIDENCES, you may contact our Data Protection Manager
• by e-mail, at the following address:
• or by a signed letter sent to the following address: COURCHEVEL MANALI LODGE, attention Data Protection Manager, 21 C Rue Andromède, 74650 Chavanod.
All requests must be accompanied by a copy of a currently valid identity document.

7. Personal data policy for minors

The website does not consider minors as the public. However, access to the website is not reserved for adults only, because it does not include any content that is prohibited to minors under the age of 18. The forms on the website are not intended to collect information on minors. If information is collected on a minor by the website, the minor's legal representative will have the opportunity to contact the Data Protection Manager to correct, modify or delete said information (see paragraph 6: Terms and conditions for exercising your rights relating to your personal data).

8. Security and confidentiality

ALPINE RESIDENCES takes all protective measures to ensure the confidentiality and security of the personal data relating to users, to prevent said data from being damaged or erased, and to prevent unauthorized third parties from gaining access to them. In particular, ALPINE RESIDENCES's computer systems include a software protection device. Procedures have been put into place to safeguard the data collected on the site. Access to personal data is strictly limited to persons authorized to access them as a part of their duties and who are bound by a confidentiality obligation.
L'accès aux données à caractère personnel est strictement limité aux personnes habilitées en raison de leurs fonctions et qui sont tenus par une obligation de confidentialité.

9. Cookies

A cookie is a small file that can be placed on your computer terminal when you consult an Internet website. A cookie file enables its issuer to identify the terminal on which it has been registered for the period of validity or registration of said cookie. There are several categories of cookie:
• authentication cookies
• preference cookies
• statistical and audience measurement cookies
• cookies issued by third parties
The website uses authentication cookies, statistical and audience measurement cookies and cookies issued by third parties
Authentication cookies
These cookies are installed when you connect with your client, partner or ambassador area. The next time you connect to the website, the cookies make it possible to identify you as an existing user, which means that you avoid having to enter your username in order to connect. We use these cookies so that we can recognize you, and show you useful information and customize your use. If you prefer not to receive this cookie, you can disable it by modifying the preferences on your browser. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that limiting the use of cookies by the website may result in a deterioration in the use of the site. You can choose to deactivate these cookies at any time. You can accept or refuse them on a case-by-case basis or once and for all.
Statistical and audience measurement cookies
These cookies enable us to learn about the use and performance of the website in terms of account activity, and to develop statistics on frequency volumes and the use of various elements of our website (content visited, pathways, etc.). This enables us to improve the interest and ergonomics of our services (the pages or sections that are consulted most frequently, the articles that are read the most, etc.). These cookies also enable us to count the number of visitors to a page. They are produced by Google Analytics.
Cookies issued by third parties
When you visit our site, some of the cookies are not registered by us, but by third party partners for the purposes of distributing targeted advertising.
For more information on the cookies registered by our partners, we suggest that you visit their website.
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